
jordan vladev Song Featured in Jeans Ad
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jordan vladev Song Featured in Jeans Ad
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Summer Tour Dates Released
This is your News Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors about industry news, or publish announcements about yourself. Keep it interesting and relevant so that your readers read it through till the very end. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your article or add a video for extra engagement!

jordan vladev Performs in Charity Album Show
This is your News Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors about industry news, or publish announcements about yourself. Keep it interesting and relevant so that your readers read it through till the very end. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your article or add a video for extra engagement!

"Ize cherubs" - first prize
The song "Izhe Cherubimi" became the first prize winner of the First National Competition for the composition of choral songs for the International May Choir Competition "Prof. Georgi Dimitrov" - Varna

"Metamorphoses" - the newest fire show of "Fire Teatar" was presented among the ruins of the Western Gate of ancient Serdika in Sofia, as well as in Plovdiv within the framework of the first festival for street fire shows. Idea and staging: Plamen Radev and Elena Pap, direction: Elena Pap, music: Yordan Vladev

"The Night of the White Horses"
On September 17 and 23, 2018, in front of the National Theater in Sofia, the premiere performances of the newest performance of "Fire Theater" "Night of the White Horses" with music by Jordan Vladev took place. Idea and staging: Plamen Radev and Elena Pap, direction: Elena Pap

"Empathetic trio" at Emona Art Fest
Jordan Vladev and "Empathetic trio" performed a solo concert entirely with original music in the church "St. Nicholas" in Emona. The event is part of the "Art Emona" festival and aims to raise funds for the restoration of the temple

Tanya and Danny in Pomorie
Concert of duo Tanya Nikleva and Jordan Vladev in the art gallery "Dechko Stoev" in Pomorie. August 24, 2018

"Delight" group at Tyulenovo Art Fest
The "Delight" group from the "Art Libitum" music center performed a solo concert within the Tyulenovo Art Fest festival on a stage on the seashore, in front of an audience from near and far

Youth Jazz Fest Sofia
Nearly 100 young musicians participated in the first edition of "YOUTH JAZZ FEST SOFIA 2018". The young talents from the music academy, the music school, as well as from several private schools, presented a total of 28 projects, participated in master classes and jam sessions and closed the festival with a wonderful gala concert. The organizer of the event was Art Libitum Music Center, and partners were vocal studio D Stars, Studio 5, House-Museum Pancho Vladigerov, BNT, radio Vox and others.

With children on the tepe
The group "Malchugani" and duo Kaya and Bobby performed a solo concert in Bunardjika Park in Plovdiv at the invitation of the Municipality of Plovdiv and VOX radio